- Cost: Free
- Minimum Payment: $100.00 USD
- Payments must be requested by TUESDAY 11:59 EST to be included for payment on WEDNESDAY.
- Time to Receive Payment: Direct deposit payments are processed weekly with a minimum payment request of $100 USD.
- Payment will show up on your bank statement as GRANITY MEDIA INC.
Bank Name Also Known As Institution Number Royal Bank of Canada RBC 003 Toronto-Dominion Bank TD, TD Canada Trust 004 Bank of Nova Scotia Scotia Bank 002 Bank of Montreal BMO 001 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce CIBC 010
If your Canadian Direct Deposit Bank ID is only 3 digits, please add a 0 (zero) to the beginning of the number.
- Simplii Financial is also popular as it’s a lower fee offshoot of CIBC:
Instead of having its own Institution Number, Simplii Financial shares Institution Number 010 with its parent CIBC and all Simplii clients share a branch-transit number of 30800. - Laurentian Bank operates mostly in the province of Quebec and the Bank ID is 0039.
- Tangerine Bank is also popular and is the lower fee offshoot of Scotiabank and the Bank ID is 0614.
- Meridian Credit Union has the Bank ID 0837.
NOTE: Funds will be sent to your account in CAD. Your bank may charge you fees in addition to the fees quoted here. Fees charged by your bank are not under our control. Please consult with your bank prior to requesting a payment if you are unsure.